Health and beauty Orthopedics Bandages and dressings Bandage 1.5 m * 8 cm

Elastic medical multipurpose bandage, ribbon 1.5 m * 8 cm

Elastic medical multipurpose bandage, ribbon 1.5 m * 8 cm
5.81 USD
2.76 USD
Elasticity:  medium
Bandage size (m * mm):  1,5 * 80

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Application: prevention, ankle support, rehabilitation and treatment of varicose veins, dislocation, sprain, edema and other post-traumatic complications.

Structure of raw material:
Medium: cotton – 75%, latex – 17%, polyester – 8 %;




(m * mm)



(m * mm)



(m * mm)



(m * mm)

0,6 * 60

0,6 * 100

3,0 * 60 3,0 * 80
1,5 * 60 1,5 * 100 5,0 * 60  
3,0 * 60 3,0 * 100 3,0 * 80  
0,6 * 80 5,0 * 100 5,0 * 80  
1,0 * 80 0,6 * 120 3,0 * 100  
1,5 * 80 1,5 * 120 5,0 * 100  
2,0 * 80 3,0 * 120    
2,5 * 80 5,0 * 120    
3,0 * 80      
3,5 * 80      
5,0 * 80      

Bandage medical elastic tape-kind compressive model ELAST 9512 is prescribed for prophylaxis and curing of varicose veins, dislocations, strains, oedemas, chronic thrombophlebitis and others after traumatic effects.
Bandage medical elastic tape-kind compressive model ELAST 9812 is prescribed for prophylaxis and curing hand traumas, at boxing and oriental single combating.

Medical readings:
For medical treatment of various diseases:
- bandage medical elastic tape-kind compressive of high tensility model ELAST 9512 is for curing of lipodermic illnesses, within post-surgical period at traumas, incurable lymphatic oedemas;
- bandage medical elastic tape-kind compressive of average tensility model ELAST 9512 is for curing of heavy venous injuries, diseases with trophic after -effects, post-phlebitis syndromes and curable lymphatic oedemas;
- bandage medical elastic tape-kind compressive of low tensility model ELAST 9512 is for fixation of medical dressings;
- bandage medical elastic tape-kind compressive of small tensility (boxer's) model ELAST 9512 is for curing of strained tendons and ruptured articular ligaments, fractures of phalanxes, periostetis of metacarpus backbones; for removing post-traumatic oedemas of various aetioligy.
Within pre- and post-surgical periods for a quick rehabilitation after traumas and operations, for prevention of oedematose and possible decrease of inflammatory process; staving off bruises and injuries of ligaments; suspension of soft tissues after lipoxation.
With prophylactic purposes for avoiding one's overstrain and overtire during physical overwork; as a preventive measure in case of strains and traumas at sport.

Compound of raw materials:
-bandage of high tensility:  cotton – 80%, polyester -15%, latex – 5%.
-bandage of average tensility:  cotton – 75%,  polyester – 8%, latex – 17%.
-bandage of low tensility:  cotton – 92%,  polyester – 8%.
-bandage of small tensility (boxer's): cotton -88,5%, polyester – 10%, latex - 1,5%.

Method of application (model Elast 9512)
- before bandaging lay down for a while, put legs slightly up for 5-10 minutes; leave the bandaged leg in upper position;
- bandage is firstly applied on the foot from ankle-bone until toes, then circular bandaging is done upwards shank and hip;
- every round of the bandage covers the previous one for 50-70%;
- the most tension of the bandage must be at ankle-bone, gradually reducing towards the upper part of the leg;
- the bandaging of the heel is to be done by turning the bandage in so-called ''lock'', that averts its slipping off during walking;
- the last round of the bandage is to be done on 5-10 sm. higher of the injured venous part of the leg; the end of the bandage is fastened by clips.
The scheme of bandaging at varicose disease.
Technique of bandaging according to Sig (two bandages, 8 and 10 sm. in width)

The scheme of bandaging of the wrist joint.

- make a full turn of the bandage, starting from inner part of the wrist;
- make a diagonal turn down across the outer part of the hand between thumb and forefinger, then across the hand's palm back towards the wrist;
- make a turn of the bandage around the wrist and down across the hand's palm, then around the outer part of the hand between thumb and forefinger and go back towards the palm. Turn the bandage around the wrist. Make the second full cross-bandaging, so-called "figure of eight";
- make a turn of the bandage around the wrist with further circular bandaging upwards the arm, covering half of the previous one. The bandage is to be fastened over the wrist.

Precaution!  Numbness of foot toes, strong pulsation under bandaging and pains inside the bandaged parts of the body, mean wrong chosen compression of the bandage or needs its more precise regulation (correction).
Age of the article is mentioned upon the package.

Contraindications: to be avoided in case of individual incompatibility with raw material compounds of the article.

Sanitary-hygienic workout:
Bandage medical elastic tape-kind compressive is to be worked out by hand wash in the soap solution at temperature from 35°C to 40°C, not by the powders, containing

bleaches. Not to be cleaned by chemical means. After washing it is recommended to wring out carefully without twisting and smooth out before drying. Ironing is prohibited.

Storage: The product is to be stored in a clean, dry and ventilated place at a temperature of +3°C to +25°C and relative air humidity 60% to 65%.

Package  1 peace (model 9512)


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